International Mindedness

At International School Almere (Primary) the concept of International mindedness is central to our school.
We operate under the understanding that in today’s increasingly interdependent world, it is crucial to ensure that our students are prepared for their roles as global citizens. We aim to educate and develop our students into internationally minded individuals who respect and celebrate diversity.

As a school we share the following definition of International Mindedness: 
As an internationally minded school we broaden our understanding of diverse cultures by being open-minded and aware. We celebrate, respect and appreciate our similarities and differences.

The use of the International Primary Curriculum helps us keep the concept of International Mindedness central to our school.  Each IPC topic  has embedded within it learning-focused activities that help children start developing a global awareness and gain an increasing sense of themselves, their community and the world around them. Our topics of learning and focus on our world provide our learners with positive action and engagement with global issues as well.

We also explore International Mindedness from the perspective of both the  ‘host’ country (The Netherlands, the country ‘hosting our school’) and the ‘home’ country (the country which students call ‘home’).